Corporate Governance
The Minister
The portfolio minister is the Minister of Works and Transport who exercises constitutional oversight on the NRSC. As part of his role the minister is the appointing authority of the Council while the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry is responsible, through the Department of Transport, for the provision of the required staff of the Secretariat.
Council is responsible for provision of strategic leadership by establishing the vision, mission and core values. In particular it is Council’s role to:
° Determine and approve the road safety strategy and policies to be followed
° Recommend the road safety budget to the Minister for approval
° Ensure organisational integrity
° Ensure independence from any vested interest
° Establish executive powers
° Secure political support
Executive Secretary
The Executive Secretary serves as Council’s Secretary and Accounting Office. His role is crucial to the success of the Council. His, role among others, include:
° Develop and recommend for Council’s approval the long term road safety strategy and vision
° Develop and recommend for approval management plans and budgets that support the long term strategy
° Ensure the achievement of both financial and operational goals
° Ensure effectiveness of the Secretariat through the creation of a conducive work climate and ethics
° Formulate and oversee implementation of policies
° Serve as the chief spokesperson of the NRSC.
Council Members
(2015 - 2020)