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Pillar Workshop for the Evaluation of 2022–23 Workplan and Preparation for the 2023–24 Workplan

The National Road Safety Council held a "Pillar Workshop for the Evaluation of 2022–23 Workplan and Preparation for the 2023–24 Workplan”, that aims to evaluate the outcomes of the 7th Annual Road Safety Conference (ARSC) that was held at Luderitz in February of last year.

The workshop is a crucial opportunity for the National Road Safety Council to assess the progress made toward improving road safety in the country and to develop a plan of action for the coming year. By bringing together representatives from various agencies, the workshop aims to foster partnership and knowledge sharing among stakeholders, which is essential for implementing effective road safety measures.

The Executing Agencies responsible for the five pillars of road safety are collaborating with other supporting agencies to establish a new work plan for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The workshop's findings and recommendations will be presented and discussed during the upcoming 8th Annual Road Safety Conference.

Road Safety

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