The 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety Strategy
2021/2030 was launched on 26 March 2021 by the National Road Safety Council,
following the Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety that took place in Sweden
2020, which proclaimed 2021-2030 as the Second Decade of Action for road safety
Speaking at the launch, Mr. Eliphas !Owos-ôab, the Chairman of
the National Road Safety Council, stated that it is the responsibility of the
National Road Safety Council in collaboration with all stakeholders in the road
safety sub-sector for the development and execution of the National Road Safety
Strategy. He further added that the responsibilities also lie in ensuring
horizontal, and vertical governmental coordination at national, regional, local
levels and delivery of partnership roles.
The Decade of Action encourages countries to achieve their
road safety visions through five pillars, mainly, Road Safety Management, Safer
Roads and Mobility, Safer Vehicles, Safer Road Users, and Post-Crash Response.
In his address, Honorable John Mutorwa, the Minister of
Transport and Work at the launch stated that the roads are used by all of us
and therefore it is the concern of everybody. “We should in our own way as
individuals observe the rules of the roads. Police and Traffic officers are
there to enforce the law, but they should not be there to force us to observe,”
said the Minister.
The Deputy Prime Minister, and the Minister of International
Relations and Cooperation, honorable Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, who is the patron
of the Plan of Action in her statement read on her behalf said that “the
strategy is in line with government effort of ensuring safety for all. Through
the Plan of Action, various state institutions will be allocated
responsibilities and provide a comprehensive framework for a systematic and
coordinated approach,” said the Deputy Minister.