During our on-going consultations particularly with the law enforcement, we came to appreciate the various challenges our stakeholders are faced with. The understanding enabled us as Council, to take a deliberate decision to focus our road safety interventions around three areas. These are persuasive targeted educational campaigns, aggressive law enforcement and responsive emergency response. To this end, we have committed about N$ 3 million to enhance law enforcement visibility. These funds will be for the procurement of state-of-the-art automated speed law enforcement equipment with the view of increasing detection levels and the visibility of law enforcement on arterials known for reckless and inconsiderate driving.
We believe doing so will not only discourage potential violators of traffic rules and regulations but will also instil a sense of security in all law abiding road users. Delivering of these equipment will be subject to signing of Memoranda of Understanding with action plans directing the optimal utilization of these instrumentation and regular reporting of law enforcement outputs to the National Road Safety Council.
The Namibian Police Force Traffic Unit, Windhoek Municipal Police Service Traffic Unit, Swakopmund Municipal Traffic Unit and Otjiwarongo Municipal Traffic Unit are the law enforcement agencies set to receive this assistance.