Each year a number of school-going children are killed by vehicle on their way to and from school. In most cases these accidents occur within close proximities of the school. To ensure safety around the school premises and at places where school-going children cross busy roads, scholar patrols are provided.
The legal bases for Scholar Patrols in Namibia is provided under section 74 (4) of the Road Traffic and Transport Act (RTTA), Act 22 of 1999, the main purpose being ensuring safety for all school going children. The administration of these patrols has been, in terms of section 110 (1), delegated to the National Road Safety Council, while the day-to-day activities are conducted under the supervision of the respective school management and the local traffic authorities. The NRSC provide insurance cover in respect of public liability to the maximum of N$250,000 for any collision that may occur as a result of a scholar patrol action, death cover, medical cost or loss of limb.
All schools where the safety of scholars is compromised in one way or the other are encouraged to participate in Scholar Patrol Programme to ensure the safety to their pupils.